2023 Vista Strawberry Festival
All Vendors
Load-In Information – All vendors
Please review the following instructions for load-in information. This information will also be sent out in a confirmation email to all vendors this week.
• For all exhibitors who have paid booth fees – You may log in to Eventhub.net and see your booth assignment
• Once you have located your booth number – you may access the load-in instructions and all necessary maps, passes, etc. at links listed below. Note – the scheduled arrival time is determined by the last digit of your booth number (not counting decimals) – Odds @ 5:30 a.m. and Evens @ 6:15 a.m. (Except for Food Court – separate load-in schedule)
• Also – Please check out the Public Floor Plan Map of the event (can click on it in your booth order and find the booth space assigned to you) – https://shows.eventhub-floorplan.net/vistastraw2023
from 0645 UNTIL 0815 DUE TO 5K, 1 Mile & 1/4 Mile Runs
(this is a “no-kidding” situation)
• Exhibitors MUST hit their assigned load-in times. If not then you will be directed to a late lot outside the Festival until after the runs have been completed and you will have to “cart” in your booth display.
• NOTE1: Once the booth confirmation email is sent out this week, the basic load in information will also reside on your Strawberry Fest booth order under “Logistics” in your Eventhub.net account.
• NOTE2: FOOD COURT VENDORS – See separate folder of load-in packet attachments
Food Vendors
13 Food Court Vendors in the 600 series booth spaces.